Thursday, April 29, 2004
Soul-Groups, Ponds, and Canned Teachings
by White Feather
Copyright © 2002, 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
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Let's play with our minds for a minute. First, we'll build a little visual model. Let's use a very common metaphor; the rock being dropped into the still pond. As everyone knows, when a rock is dropped into a still pond concentric waves flow out away from where the rock is dropped. The waves grow larger and larger until they reach the limits of the pond.
Let's see ourselves as the rock and the concentric waves flowing out across the pond as our awareness. We can call the pond our reality, or the universe.
When we first hit the water, our awareness of the pond/universe is nil. We haven't experienced it yet; it remains completely an unknown space. As the wave of our awareness flows outward in all directions, we become more and more aware of ever larger parts of the pond. The wave continues until finally we attain full awareness of the pond/universe.
Information is stored in the pond; information about everything in the pond. As our wave of awareness spreads out, it comes upon new information constantly. Because of the nature of the circular wave it appears that information is stored in concentric rings and as we hit each new concentric ring going out, we become aware of new information. New information always appears greater than old information, so it appears that the information gets better the farther out we get from the point where the rock hit the water. What actually is greater, though, is just the mass of the pond on the inside of our circular wave going out. That is what is always growing.
I believe it was the entity Sabe who gave a similar analogy about canned teachings. He said that as our awareness evolved, or expanded like the circular wave, we continued to come upon preformatted information and gestalts with each new layer outward, and our outward expanding journey through these preformatted information and gestalts was our process of evolvement. Sabe called these preformatted information packages canned teachings. It's not a glamorous name, but it shows a gestalt that we move through and learn from in order to be ready for the next canned teaching, which prepares us for the next one and the next one and so forth.
If we look at humankind's circular wave moving outward over the last hundred or so years, we can see some of the canned teachings we went through. As for metaphysical teachings, a hundred years ago we were moving through the Madame Blavatsky gestalt, or Theosophy gestalt. And then we moved through what we can call the Edgar Cayce gestalt. But it wasn't just one psychic or teacher representing the gestalt. There's always several around the world, but they're all working off the same general gestalt we're moving through.
In the Sixties and Seventies there was the Seth gestalt. Once again, it was not just Seth, but a lot of different teachers all bringing forth similar information from the layer of canned teachings humankind was going through. After Seth it was Ramtha and Philip (and others). And now we're moving through a canned teaching layer personified by teachers like Sabe and Elias and many others. Each canned teaching prepared us and laid a foundation for the next one.
Now it's important to see that just because we've reached a new layer of canned teaching, it does not mean that that is any more valid than the layers we've already traveled through. They just happen to be farther away from the point where the rock hit the water. The teachings closer to the point where the rock hit the water are only enhanced by the new knowledge and awareness we've gained in our further movement outwards. What happens when we reach a layer of canned teaching is that a gestalt is born that defines that information for us at the level of understanding we're at as we pass through it. As we move beyond it into new layers, and develop new gestalts for those new layers, what happens is that we redefine those previous gestalts.
We hit a layer of canned teaching, we define it, then to move on we must "undefine" it in order to take on a new layer. With the defining of the new layer comes a new awareness which in turn redefines the previous layer. This is how our awareness expands and how we evolve--or rather, this is an illustration of how our awareness expands.
But wait. We can look at this concentric expanding circle thing in a lot of different ways. The way I've been describing it is in regard to humankind as a whole. But we can look at it on a personal level, too. While humankind as a whole can be an outward expanding circular wave, each of us are individually as well. Parts of ourselves open up the new information we move through while other parts of us define that information and other parts act it out.
Now let's look at a soul-group as a circular wave expanding out through these layers of information. Each soul-group reacts differently to all the new layers of information. Some soul-groups have a soulgroup plan calling for certain aspects of moving through that information. Some groups take it upon themselves to be the can openers; the vanguards who open up the information. Other groups consider it their job to define that information, and other groups prefer to act out that information, completing the process of moving through and understanding that layer of information.
Say soul-group X are specialists at defining information. That's what they like to do. They are the ones who create the gestalt that explains the information to others. Others embrace the gestalt and live their lives by it. Of course not everyone understands it, but by living it, the seeds of the knowledge the gestalt represents are planted.
As some soul-groups are in the process of absorbing the information either through defining or experiencing, there is the other group, the vanguard, who is out already at the edges of a new layer of canned teachings. They're already opening the next can while the others are still working on the previous can. They're the ones at the very edge of the wave.
Here is where soulgroup X comes back in the picture. First, they have to get out of the old gestalt then they have to start taking in the new information so they can start building a new gestalt. The tricky part is getting out of the old gestalt. If they cannot get out of the old gestalt, then, not only will they be unable to start processing a new one, but they will be unable to redefine the old one. It is the job of redefining the old one that helps bring the others through it into the new one. It can be an overlooked part of the process, but it is important for forward movement.
We can also look at this expanding circular wave thing as a metaphor for our linear concept of reincarnation, viewing each new concentric ring outwards as a new and different life. With each new life we are moving through each new gestalt, thus progressing in our awareness. Certain lives are spent in the vanguard groups, some are spent in soul-group X, and others are spent just living and absorbing those gestalts in order to make the awareness complete. Belonging to a specific soul-group can give us a propensity for a certain function, such as can opener, definer, and actor, but we still must go through all the functions. We plan those lives so that the specific soul-group we're a part of can meet at certain times, or lives, to perform their specialty function together as a group. Other groups do the same. Basically, this speeds things up. Things can become exponential when people work together.
Of course, there are even more metaphors we can align with the expanding circular wave model, but that's enough for now.
Let's see ourselves as the rock and the concentric waves flowing out across the pond as our awareness. We can call the pond our reality, or the universe.
When we first hit the water, our awareness of the pond/universe is nil. We haven't experienced it yet; it remains completely an unknown space. As the wave of our awareness flows outward in all directions, we become more and more aware of ever larger parts of the pond. The wave continues until finally we attain full awareness of the pond/universe.
Information is stored in the pond; information about everything in the pond. As our wave of awareness spreads out, it comes upon new information constantly. Because of the nature of the circular wave it appears that information is stored in concentric rings and as we hit each new concentric ring going out, we become aware of new information. New information always appears greater than old information, so it appears that the information gets better the farther out we get from the point where the rock hit the water. What actually is greater, though, is just the mass of the pond on the inside of our circular wave going out. That is what is always growing.
I believe it was the entity Sabe who gave a similar analogy about canned teachings. He said that as our awareness evolved, or expanded like the circular wave, we continued to come upon preformatted information and gestalts with each new layer outward, and our outward expanding journey through these preformatted information and gestalts was our process of evolvement. Sabe called these preformatted information packages canned teachings. It's not a glamorous name, but it shows a gestalt that we move through and learn from in order to be ready for the next canned teaching, which prepares us for the next one and the next one and so forth.
If we look at humankind's circular wave moving outward over the last hundred or so years, we can see some of the canned teachings we went through. As for metaphysical teachings, a hundred years ago we were moving through the Madame Blavatsky gestalt, or Theosophy gestalt. And then we moved through what we can call the Edgar Cayce gestalt. But it wasn't just one psychic or teacher representing the gestalt. There's always several around the world, but they're all working off the same general gestalt we're moving through.
In the Sixties and Seventies there was the Seth gestalt. Once again, it was not just Seth, but a lot of different teachers all bringing forth similar information from the layer of canned teachings humankind was going through. After Seth it was Ramtha and Philip (and others). And now we're moving through a canned teaching layer personified by teachers like Sabe and Elias and many others. Each canned teaching prepared us and laid a foundation for the next one.
Now it's important to see that just because we've reached a new layer of canned teaching, it does not mean that that is any more valid than the layers we've already traveled through. They just happen to be farther away from the point where the rock hit the water. The teachings closer to the point where the rock hit the water are only enhanced by the new knowledge and awareness we've gained in our further movement outwards. What happens when we reach a layer of canned teaching is that a gestalt is born that defines that information for us at the level of understanding we're at as we pass through it. As we move beyond it into new layers, and develop new gestalts for those new layers, what happens is that we redefine those previous gestalts.
We hit a layer of canned teaching, we define it, then to move on we must "undefine" it in order to take on a new layer. With the defining of the new layer comes a new awareness which in turn redefines the previous layer. This is how our awareness expands and how we evolve--or rather, this is an illustration of how our awareness expands.
But wait. We can look at this concentric expanding circle thing in a lot of different ways. The way I've been describing it is in regard to humankind as a whole. But we can look at it on a personal level, too. While humankind as a whole can be an outward expanding circular wave, each of us are individually as well. Parts of ourselves open up the new information we move through while other parts of us define that information and other parts act it out.
Now let's look at a soul-group as a circular wave expanding out through these layers of information. Each soul-group reacts differently to all the new layers of information. Some soul-groups have a soulgroup plan calling for certain aspects of moving through that information. Some groups take it upon themselves to be the can openers; the vanguards who open up the information. Other groups consider it their job to define that information, and other groups prefer to act out that information, completing the process of moving through and understanding that layer of information.
Say soul-group X are specialists at defining information. That's what they like to do. They are the ones who create the gestalt that explains the information to others. Others embrace the gestalt and live their lives by it. Of course not everyone understands it, but by living it, the seeds of the knowledge the gestalt represents are planted.
As some soul-groups are in the process of absorbing the information either through defining or experiencing, there is the other group, the vanguard, who is out already at the edges of a new layer of canned teachings. They're already opening the next can while the others are still working on the previous can. They're the ones at the very edge of the wave.
Here is where soulgroup X comes back in the picture. First, they have to get out of the old gestalt then they have to start taking in the new information so they can start building a new gestalt. The tricky part is getting out of the old gestalt. If they cannot get out of the old gestalt, then, not only will they be unable to start processing a new one, but they will be unable to redefine the old one. It is the job of redefining the old one that helps bring the others through it into the new one. It can be an overlooked part of the process, but it is important for forward movement.
We can also look at this expanding circular wave thing as a metaphor for our linear concept of reincarnation, viewing each new concentric ring outwards as a new and different life. With each new life we are moving through each new gestalt, thus progressing in our awareness. Certain lives are spent in the vanguard groups, some are spent in soul-group X, and others are spent just living and absorbing those gestalts in order to make the awareness complete. Belonging to a specific soul-group can give us a propensity for a certain function, such as can opener, definer, and actor, but we still must go through all the functions. We plan those lives so that the specific soul-group we're a part of can meet at certain times, or lives, to perform their specialty function together as a group. Other groups do the same. Basically, this speeds things up. Things can become exponential when people work together.
Of course, there are even more metaphors we can align with the expanding circular wave model, but that's enough for now.
Copyright © 2002, 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
Saturday, April 24, 2004
by Trendle Ellwood
All of a sudden the rug has been pulled out from under me. I have slipped into action as winter disappeared. It has not been cold in ever so long, and I am barefoot and it feeeeels wonderful! The season has slipped earnestly into spring, everything is turning green! Even I am turning green I think, but perhaps that is just my nettle tea.
We are getting some dark misty days now.
I can plant my little seeds into the soil and they are nourished by the gentle falling showers, who caress them into awakening. I sense them stirring beneath the soil, swelling with water and life, opening to a new day beyond the dark embracing capsule of the seed. Do they wonder where they are going, these little sprouts, as they reach to the sun? Or do they only know that towards the sun is where they need to go? Already the Larkspur that I planted back in February (Larkspur to sprout, likes a touch of frost) arises from the hollow tree trunk pots that I planted them in. I vision how they will look in May with their delicate white, purple, blue tops waving.
Hubby gave me a present. He gave me a piece of land that he has worked up, it is so lush! You see where we live, Once Upon a Time somebody built a big clay pot, and that is what we are sitting on, this big clay pot that is melting when it rains. And when it is dry the soil is pure compacted clay. It takes a shovel and a foot to dig into this ground. But to this piece of land that Hubby gave me he has added leaves and compost and tilled it, then he let it rest in for a year, then tilled it again. I can now reach my hands down into it, just poke right in with my finger and slide my whole arm into loamy welcoming soil. Ah! It is like coming home again! Hah!
All my other duties seem to call too loud, and I get cranky. All I want to do is go outside into the rain, and tuck my seeds into their nests. It is these misty wet delicious days that I love best. It seems the mist seeps deep inside of me,
Gives me buoyancy and sets me free.
All is green and fresh and new and growing,
My heart goes with the dewdrops, the raindrops, swirling.
Then like misty vapors
Knowing ever more blue-sky faces.
Settling in with mossy, ferny, secret places.
Where my heart always longs to be.
Green and wild
And free.
The new bed is going to be my annual flowerbed. We will till it every year for a fresh start, which will be so much easier then digging out perennial weeds. Why hadn’t we thought of this before, a bed of annual flowers?
I could not wait to get outside to my new garden spot. Finally I did and I scooped out the paths with my shovel, piling the dirt into raised beds. Then I went to the leaf pile and with the wheelbarrow carted the old leaves back to line the paths. After a few hours I had it all done! I went to the house to get my seeds. I came back to my waiting garden to find that the chickens had gotten out and had headed for their chocolate cake mix, my garden! They had mixed the paths and the beds together, stirred up just like the baking powder and flour in the cake mix bowl. There was nothing to do but round up the chickens and go back for a few more barrowful of leaves.
Night came on and other duties called and my seeds did not get planted that evening. I was not used to all of this physical work, it had been a lazy winter. I drug myself to the house my body aching. For the next two days I would have to focus my attention towards the opening day of the farm market.
It was very misty on the way to the market. I don’t think you could see three feet in front of the car. It was 6:30 when we went into town to set up. The mist enveloped the rest of the farmers and us, as we all, like dreamers, set up our tables and helped each other with the awnings. The first early rising patrons came leisurely through, while the mist slowly lifted and a beautiful clear day was unveiled.
Markets, gardens and spirals, I have slipped into action with the sprouts and the presence of spring.
Copyright © 2004 by Trendle Ellwood. All Rights Reserved.
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All of a sudden the rug has been pulled out from under me. I have slipped into action as winter disappeared. It has not been cold in ever so long, and I am barefoot and it feeeeels wonderful! The season has slipped earnestly into spring, everything is turning green! Even I am turning green I think, but perhaps that is just my nettle tea.
We are getting some dark misty days now.
I can plant my little seeds into the soil and they are nourished by the gentle falling showers, who caress them into awakening. I sense them stirring beneath the soil, swelling with water and life, opening to a new day beyond the dark embracing capsule of the seed. Do they wonder where they are going, these little sprouts, as they reach to the sun? Or do they only know that towards the sun is where they need to go? Already the Larkspur that I planted back in February (Larkspur to sprout, likes a touch of frost) arises from the hollow tree trunk pots that I planted them in. I vision how they will look in May with their delicate white, purple, blue tops waving.
Hubby gave me a present. He gave me a piece of land that he has worked up, it is so lush! You see where we live, Once Upon a Time somebody built a big clay pot, and that is what we are sitting on, this big clay pot that is melting when it rains. And when it is dry the soil is pure compacted clay. It takes a shovel and a foot to dig into this ground. But to this piece of land that Hubby gave me he has added leaves and compost and tilled it, then he let it rest in for a year, then tilled it again. I can now reach my hands down into it, just poke right in with my finger and slide my whole arm into loamy welcoming soil. Ah! It is like coming home again! Hah!
All my other duties seem to call too loud, and I get cranky. All I want to do is go outside into the rain, and tuck my seeds into their nests. It is these misty wet delicious days that I love best. It seems the mist seeps deep inside of me,
Gives me buoyancy and sets me free.
All is green and fresh and new and growing,
My heart goes with the dewdrops, the raindrops, swirling.
Then like misty vapors
Knowing ever more blue-sky faces.
Settling in with mossy, ferny, secret places.
Where my heart always longs to be.
Green and wild
And free.
The new bed is going to be my annual flowerbed. We will till it every year for a fresh start, which will be so much easier then digging out perennial weeds. Why hadn’t we thought of this before, a bed of annual flowers?
I could not wait to get outside to my new garden spot. Finally I did and I scooped out the paths with my shovel, piling the dirt into raised beds. Then I went to the leaf pile and with the wheelbarrow carted the old leaves back to line the paths. After a few hours I had it all done! I went to the house to get my seeds. I came back to my waiting garden to find that the chickens had gotten out and had headed for their chocolate cake mix, my garden! They had mixed the paths and the beds together, stirred up just like the baking powder and flour in the cake mix bowl. There was nothing to do but round up the chickens and go back for a few more barrowful of leaves.
Night came on and other duties called and my seeds did not get planted that evening. I was not used to all of this physical work, it had been a lazy winter. I drug myself to the house my body aching. For the next two days I would have to focus my attention towards the opening day of the farm market.
It was very misty on the way to the market. I don’t think you could see three feet in front of the car. It was 6:30 when we went into town to set up. The mist enveloped the rest of the farmers and us, as we all, like dreamers, set up our tables and helped each other with the awnings. The first early rising patrons came leisurely through, while the mist slowly lifted and a beautiful clear day was unveiled.
Markets, gardens and spirals, I have slipped into action with the sprouts and the presence of spring.
Copyright © 2004 by Trendle Ellwood. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Buying Hotdogs From Jesus
by White Feather
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
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I am currently in my late twenties. I have designed it so that I live this entire life in complete anonymity. I will never be recognized as the Christ in this life (except by a few crazy people). I will never lead any people. I will never create a church because a church is something that comes between yourself and your divinity. I will not turn any water into wine, except in an emergency. I will have no apostles, no disciples, no followers, no commandments, no edicts, no proclamations, no bible. I will live like a commoner who never makes an imprint upon what you call history. I have had many jobs. For a while I was selling hotdogs on a street corner. During that job, I personally blessed 6,735 people. 314 of them were instantly healed of physical ailments, although none of them suspect it was me. No one will ever know it is me. That is how I designed it.
I am not here to change humankind's thinking. That is going to change no matter what I do. I am not here to start a new religion. I am not here to save your ass!
I'm afraid everyone is going to have to save their own asses. I am here to anchor an energy. That's all. And all I have to do is live an ordinary life as a human being. You see, for the last two thousand years or so, I've been anchoring an energy on the other side of the veil. I've been holding an energy on the other side for people to be drawn towards upon their death (birth into the spiritual realm). Now I'm on the physical side anchoring an energy for those on the other side to be guided to as they all enter en masse into the physical. You see, everyone wants to be in the physical right now. It is one of the grandest of all times. The curtain is coming up on a really big show.
But I won't be on stage. I might be one of the guys selling peanuts, though. You see, that is the only way you may know me is that I am a comedian. I was a comedian back when I walked the planet 2,000 years ago, but that all got edited out of that book. This time that is the ONLY way you will know me. When I die, not a single person will have known that I was the Christ. This means that I don't have to put up with the stoning, the accusations, and the whole crucifixion thing. No, this time I'm not even going to try to get your attention. I've already shown you the way to your own Christ within. That's the Christ you all need to find. I am here to re-anchor the Christ consciousness. It was hoped that many would already be to this point, and ready to move on to God consciousness. For everyone that is not quite there, I am here anchoring the energy for you. I am providing the back for you to step onto to reach up towards God consciousness. If I got famous and got on the cover of Time magazine, then I would not be as effective since I would have to spend all my time validating and explaining my Christhood, and besides every lunatic would be after me. Yuck. I prefer to work on the street.
If everyone awakened the Christ energy within them this would be a springboard that would propel humankind into the new golden age faster than you could imagine. We are so close! God consciousness is just around the corner. That is when you all realize that you are my equal. I am not someone to be worshipped. I am to be treated as an equal. We are meant to proceed into the new age together, holding hands as soul-mates. That is why I am so honored to sweep the street, or serve you a hot dog, or let you cut in line in front of me at the bank, or smile at you as you cuss me out. I am honored because I'm in the presence of Gods who are coming into their self-realization. The emphasis is all on you this time, not me. I am here to enjoy the wonderful show.....and to help a few people out.
No one will find me or expose me.....
....that is, unless they look within.
I am not here to change humankind's thinking. That is going to change no matter what I do. I am not here to start a new religion. I am not here to save your ass!
I'm afraid everyone is going to have to save their own asses. I am here to anchor an energy. That's all. And all I have to do is live an ordinary life as a human being. You see, for the last two thousand years or so, I've been anchoring an energy on the other side of the veil. I've been holding an energy on the other side for people to be drawn towards upon their death (birth into the spiritual realm). Now I'm on the physical side anchoring an energy for those on the other side to be guided to as they all enter en masse into the physical. You see, everyone wants to be in the physical right now. It is one of the grandest of all times. The curtain is coming up on a really big show.
But I won't be on stage. I might be one of the guys selling peanuts, though. You see, that is the only way you may know me is that I am a comedian. I was a comedian back when I walked the planet 2,000 years ago, but that all got edited out of that book. This time that is the ONLY way you will know me. When I die, not a single person will have known that I was the Christ. This means that I don't have to put up with the stoning, the accusations, and the whole crucifixion thing. No, this time I'm not even going to try to get your attention. I've already shown you the way to your own Christ within. That's the Christ you all need to find. I am here to re-anchor the Christ consciousness. It was hoped that many would already be to this point, and ready to move on to God consciousness. For everyone that is not quite there, I am here anchoring the energy for you. I am providing the back for you to step onto to reach up towards God consciousness. If I got famous and got on the cover of Time magazine, then I would not be as effective since I would have to spend all my time validating and explaining my Christhood, and besides every lunatic would be after me. Yuck. I prefer to work on the street.
If everyone awakened the Christ energy within them this would be a springboard that would propel humankind into the new golden age faster than you could imagine. We are so close! God consciousness is just around the corner. That is when you all realize that you are my equal. I am not someone to be worshipped. I am to be treated as an equal. We are meant to proceed into the new age together, holding hands as soul-mates. That is why I am so honored to sweep the street, or serve you a hot dog, or let you cut in line in front of me at the bank, or smile at you as you cuss me out. I am honored because I'm in the presence of Gods who are coming into their self-realization. The emphasis is all on you this time, not me. I am here to enjoy the wonderful show.....and to help a few people out.
No one will find me or expose me.....
....that is, unless they look within.
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Dandelion Aide in April
by Trendle Ellwood
Little One and I decided that we had best get ahead of the bitter dock, which was spreading, in our Lemurian Garden. So with crow -bars and the force of our backs we probed, deep down, into the soil around the bitter dock’s roots, trying to find the ends of the long white taproots. I have not heard of, nor read of any good use for this plant. If anybody has knowledge of any will you please let me know? It is a mighty strong plant, very healthy, I don't understand why a tea of it would not be good for strength. But perhaps it is a plant that likes to jest with us humans and it only increases our strength by making us work so hard getting rid of it.
Finally Lemuria’s face was almost free of the troublesome weeds and our backs were complaining from too much bending. Even our hearts could not stand another moment of digging bitter dock and thistle, so we drug our compost to the brush pile to burn later. I left one big bitter dock still standing. It has its strong arms wrapped around a blooming daffodil. I will have to lift the daffy to release the burdock, so I will come back after Daffy is done blooming.
We raised our plastic water bottle bottoms up to gurgle in the sun where they offered some wet relief for our tongues. Now it was time to have some fun and instead of playing like, Kali the Destroyer, we would become, The Kali of New Life. Little One is fond of Pansies so I helped her plant a flat of them while I worked on the Celosia and Elderberry transplants in the greenhouse. She watered the newly moved plants, and then we went about discovering where she was going to put her garden. She had some lilies, irises and a rose that she wanted to put in a special place .So we found a spot that suited her, not too sunny or too shady and she planned it all out while I stirred us up a little lunch of rice, celery and left over chicken.
She was content to work on her paths while I pulled the euonymus weeds from the daylily patch. That wild climbing euonymus escapes from Farmer Shaw’s woods, where it covers the ground and climbs up the trees, to our yard. It carouses the neighborhood because of one exotic start that his wife mail- ordered, and planted a long time ago, from a magazine. It is a prolific invader! I don’t even dare throw it on the compost. I put it in the trash to be taken to the landfill. Just get it out of here! The sun felt so warm on my head all day. Pershia Kitty would softly rub up against my leg then scamper up a tree in mischief as I moved my Garden Phlox about.
This is one plant that self sows here quite abundantly. I would say that its blue~ pink~ purple sprays are the backbone of my summer gardens. I love it! Garden phlox is a rather independent sort and sometimes argues with me about where the paths will stay.
Because you see Phlox doesn’t really believe in paths at all and just likes to plop down any ole place, in the middle of the path or wherever! But that is ok, because I like to transplant this phlox to places that I think need cheered up. Rowdy independent sorts like them always liven up parties, have you noticed? This old garden heirloom that I love can get up to waist high and seems to dance in the summer. Pink, blue and purple, sashaying in the breeze of June, that is Garden Phlox.
I took my second cutting of Nettle today and laid it on screens to dry in the shade with the puffs of wind. Before night I will bring in the screens and place them by the fire where the heat will continue working where the wind took off.
Little One is looking up the magical purposes of the quince, which is blooming such a charming peach-red. The red flower buds of the rhubarb we searched for today beneath its large dark green elephant shaped leaves. We popped off these flower buds so that the rhubarbs energy will stay in its stalks so we can take nice looking long spears to market in a couple of weeks.
We took a pause from our work to gather at the apple and peach trees, Hubby, Little One and I. They are so beautiful! The peach dresses up in such jaunty happy pink attire. The apple buds appear shy with blushing ruby red lips just barely peeking out of their white finery.
The larder in the kitchen is empty of honey and apple-sause, so it is reassuring to know that already the bees are storing nectar within the supers in the apiaries. Soon they will be busy pollinating the apple trees.
The chickens are reaching a peak in their egg production and a broody hen now sits on her eggs. The time of the in-gathering has begun, for already the morning looks to afternoon! When I look out our back door I see the deep purple toned buds of the shrub magnolia highlighted against the white clustered sprays of the cheery blooms behind it. And then those white blossoms are silhouetted against the dark green of the pine. I don’t know how nature can be so naturally beautiful.
The yellow Dandelions are blooming bright and we plan to gather them to make Dandelion Aide, which is so refreshing with ice after a good work out under the sun.
Little One reads me a poem that she wrote about flying horses as Hubby props his feet up and so do I. The sun goes lower into the western sky; it skirts across our northern porch and highlights the primroses, which I left laying in a basket.
There is a woodpecker that is trilling his springtime mating call, in the pines down the hill. The red winged blackbirds make waves together in their swishes through the sky, like bars of musical notes, between the green green meadow and the azure blue sky. And I think as I rest, my body weary, my soul renewed, that I may have never known happier moments then those ones spent right here, at home with my darlings on our homestead in the spring. Today.
Dandelion Aide
Send out the children to gather as many clean bright cheerful new Dandelion faces, (blooms), that they can gather in their skirts or baskets.
Meanwhile get a large big pot of water to boiling.
Have a large ceramic bowl ready.
After gathering Dandelion faces, pick through them for grass, straw or any stray bugs.
Then have the children put the Dandelion faces into a ceramic bowl and have them stand back as you pour the boiling water over them.
Cover, let sit 15 minutes.
Remove cover and let dandelion faces remain infused while you let mixture cool.
Then remove Dandy faces, and pour Dandy Face brew into pitcher.
Add honey or sugar and Lemon to taste.
Add Ice, Enjoy.
Copyright ©2004,Text and Photos by Trendle Ellwood. All Rights Reserved.
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Little One and I decided that we had best get ahead of the bitter dock, which was spreading, in our Lemurian Garden. So with crow -bars and the force of our backs we probed, deep down, into the soil around the bitter dock’s roots, trying to find the ends of the long white taproots. I have not heard of, nor read of any good use for this plant. If anybody has knowledge of any will you please let me know? It is a mighty strong plant, very healthy, I don't understand why a tea of it would not be good for strength. But perhaps it is a plant that likes to jest with us humans and it only increases our strength by making us work so hard getting rid of it.
We raised our plastic water bottle bottoms up to gurgle in the sun where they offered some wet relief for our tongues. Now it was time to have some fun and instead of playing like, Kali the Destroyer, we would become, The Kali of New Life. Little One is fond of Pansies so I helped her plant a flat of them while I worked on the Celosia and Elderberry transplants in the greenhouse. She watered the newly moved plants, and then we went about discovering where she was going to put her garden. She had some lilies, irises and a rose that she wanted to put in a special place .So we found a spot that suited her, not too sunny or too shady and she planned it all out while I stirred us up a little lunch of rice, celery and left over chicken.
She was content to work on her paths while I pulled the euonymus weeds from the daylily patch. That wild climbing euonymus escapes from Farmer Shaw’s woods, where it covers the ground and climbs up the trees, to our yard. It carouses the neighborhood because of one exotic start that his wife mail- ordered, and planted a long time ago, from a magazine. It is a prolific invader!
This is one plant that self sows here quite abundantly. I would say that its blue~ pink~ purple sprays are the backbone of my summer gardens. I love it! Garden phlox is a rather independent sort and sometimes argues with me about where the paths will stay.
Because you see Phlox doesn’t really believe in paths at all and just likes to plop down any ole place, in the middle of the path or wherever! But that is ok, because I like to transplant this phlox to places that I think need cheered up. Rowdy independent sorts like them always liven up parties, have you noticed? This old garden heirloom that I love can get up to waist high and seems to dance in the summer. Pink, blue and purple, sashaying in the breeze of June, that is Garden Phlox.
I took my second cutting of Nettle today and laid it on screens to dry in the shade with the puffs of wind. Before night I will bring in the screens and place them by the fire where the heat will continue working where the wind took off.
Little One is looking up the magical purposes of the quince, which is blooming such a charming peach-red. The red flower buds of the rhubarb we searched for today beneath its large dark green elephant shaped leaves. We popped off these flower buds so that the rhubarbs energy will stay in its stalks so we can take nice looking long spears to market in a couple of weeks.
We took a pause from our work to gather at the apple and peach trees, Hubby, Little One and I. They are so beautiful! The peach dresses up in such jaunty happy pink attire. The apple buds appear shy with blushing ruby red lips just barely peeking out of their white finery.
The larder in the kitchen is empty of honey and apple-sause, so it is reassuring to know that already the bees are storing nectar within the supers in the apiaries. Soon they will be busy pollinating the apple trees.
The chickens are reaching a peak in their egg production and a broody hen now sits on her eggs. The time of the in-gathering has begun, for already the morning looks to afternoon! When I look out our back door I see the deep purple toned buds of the shrub magnolia highlighted against the white clustered sprays of the cheery blooms behind it. And then those white blossoms are silhouetted against the dark green of the pine. I don’t know how nature can be so naturally beautiful.
The yellow Dandelions are blooming bright and we plan to gather them to make Dandelion Aide, which is so refreshing with ice after a good work out under the sun.
Little One reads me a poem that she wrote about flying horses as Hubby props his feet up and so do I. The sun goes lower into the western sky; it skirts across our northern porch and highlights the primroses, which I left laying in a basket.
There is a woodpecker that is trilling his springtime mating call, in the pines down the hill. The red winged blackbirds make waves together in their swishes through the sky, like bars of musical notes, between the green green meadow and the azure blue sky. And I think as I rest, my body weary, my soul renewed, that I may have never known happier moments then those ones spent right here, at home with my darlings on our homestead in the spring. Today.
Dandelion Aide
Send out the children to gather as many clean bright cheerful new Dandelion faces, (blooms), that they can gather in their skirts or baskets.
Meanwhile get a large big pot of water to boiling.
Have a large ceramic bowl ready.
After gathering Dandelion faces, pick through them for grass, straw or any stray bugs.
Then have the children put the Dandelion faces into a ceramic bowl and have them stand back as you pour the boiling water over them.
Cover, let sit 15 minutes.
Remove cover and let dandelion faces remain infused while you let mixture cool.
Then remove Dandy faces, and pour Dandy Face brew into pitcher.
Add honey or sugar and Lemon to taste.
Add Ice, Enjoy.
Copyright ©2004,Text and Photos by Trendle Ellwood. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Bees and Honey
by White Feather
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
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I have never, in my entire life, been stung by a bee. I have no point of reference for knowing what that is like. Yet I do have a fear of it. I have been stung by a yellow jacket, though, and that was awful so I figure a bee sting must be pretty awful, too.
I don't pay much attention to bees and they tend to leave me alone, too. My honey, on the other hand, is a bee magnet. And, of course, bees freak her out. I remember a time on our honeymoon when we were driving bayou backroads in southern Louisianna and an enormous bee flew into the car. It was the biggest bee I've ever seen; the size of a small baseball.
My honey immediately shifted into a state of hysteria and I became rather nervous myself. I wasn't sure what made me more nervous; the bee or my honey. My honey was flailing her arms and screaming at the top of her lungs for me to stop the car. Well, there was no shoulder to the road. To leave the road would have meant going in the swamp. So I hit the brakes and stopped right in the middle of the road. It's a good thing there was no other traffic.
The car had not even come to a complete stop yet and my honey had her door open. She was out of the car in a heartbeat. Luckily, she didn't end up in the swamp and managed to run along the side of the car towards the back. And she kept on running. She didn't stop until she was about a hundred feet behind the car.
I got out of the car pretty darn fast, too, but once outside I remained within a few feet of the car. I wanted to be able to see the bee leave the car through the opened windows so I would be sure it was gone. The car was still running. I managed to put it in park before I got out but I didn't have time to turn the car off. Despite the sound of the car running I could still hear the bee buzzing around in the car. I think it was the loudest bee I've ever heard. It sounded like a squirrel's chainsaw.
So there we were in the middle of the bayou standing in the middle of the road while our car was being hijacked by a bee the size of a small peach. Alligators were probably watching our every move. As my honey yelled, "Is it gone yet?" I shook my head no.
Occasionally, I caught glimpses of it as it flew around the inside of the car. I knew it was still in there, though, because of the buzz. But then, suddenly, the chainsaw fell silent. I had not seen it fly out the window so it was still in the car but without the buzz I couldn't be sure where it was. The silence was suddenly more "deafening" than the chainsaw buzz of the bee. I stepped closer to the car to get a better look inside. Despite the fact that the car was still running it was eerily calm as I stuck my face closer to the opened windows. I looked all over the inside of the car but saw no bee.
Then suddenly the chainsaw started back up and I jumped back a few feet. It was definitely still in there. It took about ten minutes before the bee finally flew out of the car and the whole time not a single car drove by. It was unmistakable; I saw it fly out, but it still took me a few minutes to convince my honey who was still standing in the middle of the road a hundred feet behind the car to come back to the car and get in. Once we were driving again there was a very noticable tension in the air. I think if the sound of a bee buzz would have started she would have flung herself right out the window and fed herself to the alligators.
I don't pay much attention to bees and they tend to leave me alone, too. My honey, on the other hand, is a bee magnet. And, of course, bees freak her out. I remember a time on our honeymoon when we were driving bayou backroads in southern Louisianna and an enormous bee flew into the car. It was the biggest bee I've ever seen; the size of a small baseball.
My honey immediately shifted into a state of hysteria and I became rather nervous myself. I wasn't sure what made me more nervous; the bee or my honey. My honey was flailing her arms and screaming at the top of her lungs for me to stop the car. Well, there was no shoulder to the road. To leave the road would have meant going in the swamp. So I hit the brakes and stopped right in the middle of the road. It's a good thing there was no other traffic.
The car had not even come to a complete stop yet and my honey had her door open. She was out of the car in a heartbeat. Luckily, she didn't end up in the swamp and managed to run along the side of the car towards the back. And she kept on running. She didn't stop until she was about a hundred feet behind the car.
I got out of the car pretty darn fast, too, but once outside I remained within a few feet of the car. I wanted to be able to see the bee leave the car through the opened windows so I would be sure it was gone. The car was still running. I managed to put it in park before I got out but I didn't have time to turn the car off. Despite the sound of the car running I could still hear the bee buzzing around in the car. I think it was the loudest bee I've ever heard. It sounded like a squirrel's chainsaw.
So there we were in the middle of the bayou standing in the middle of the road while our car was being hijacked by a bee the size of a small peach. Alligators were probably watching our every move. As my honey yelled, "Is it gone yet?" I shook my head no.
Occasionally, I caught glimpses of it as it flew around the inside of the car. I knew it was still in there, though, because of the buzz. But then, suddenly, the chainsaw fell silent. I had not seen it fly out the window so it was still in the car but without the buzz I couldn't be sure where it was. The silence was suddenly more "deafening" than the chainsaw buzz of the bee. I stepped closer to the car to get a better look inside. Despite the fact that the car was still running it was eerily calm as I stuck my face closer to the opened windows. I looked all over the inside of the car but saw no bee.
Then suddenly the chainsaw started back up and I jumped back a few feet. It was definitely still in there. It took about ten minutes before the bee finally flew out of the car and the whole time not a single car drove by. It was unmistakable; I saw it fly out, but it still took me a few minutes to convince my honey who was still standing in the middle of the road a hundred feet behind the car to come back to the car and get in. Once we were driving again there was a very noticable tension in the air. I think if the sound of a bee buzz would have started she would have flung herself right out the window and fed herself to the alligators.
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Asking Questions
by White Feather
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
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Where are the boundaries of our existence? Are they within the physical constructs of our "real" world? What about spirit? Where are the boundaries there? Are they limitless? Are there any boundaries? And are there really any boundaries in the physical? Are boundaries merely psychological constructs we create?
If we are the only ones creating boundaries or barriers to unlimitedness, then all the power lies in our hands to go beyond those boundaries.
If it's all up to us, then how do we ask for help? Usually when we think of asking for help we are thinking of asking for help from outside of ourselves. How often do we ask our selves for help? How many questions do we pose to our very own selves during the course of a day? How many questions do we ask of others? Who do we trust more to provide the answers?
Why, when we look at a flower, do we not see the answers to our questions? Is it because we didn't ask any? A flower can answer many questions for us, but if we don't ask, the flower is merely beautiful.
There are many answers in beauty, but the main reason we don't see the answers is because we don't ask the questions. But it is not necessary to ask the question of the flower. We merely need to ask ourselves. It is we who create the flower to answer those questions.
People bring us answers all the time. It is up to us to know the question. Of course, we must ask the question of ourselves, and then just allow others to bring answers to us. If we ask the question of them, then we just get their interpretation of the answer. If we ask ourselves, then they can only answer us directly, yet subconsciously. If you get their brain stories involved, then you'll just get brain stories. People tend to answer questions most honestly when they don't have a chance to think about it, or if they do not even know if they are answering a question.
Asking a question of ourselves, we are asking our higher selves. When a person unknowingly answers our question, it is often their higher self answering our higher selves. When that happens, we can bypass the rational brain. When we bypass the rational brain we get clearer answers, free of brain distortion.
So you got a burning question? Don't ask someone else, but rather ask yourself. But don't be surprised if someone else answers you. They may have no idea they are doing so, but you'll get a pure clear answer, free of distortions.
And just think; when you're talking to a friend....just talking, you might just accidentally answer their question. It's easier than them actually asking you the question, then trying to formulate the answer from all the brain stories on file in the old noggin. When you just talk to someone because you're compelled to do so, it could very well be your higher self answering a question asked by that friend. If you hold back, afraid to express, you could be blocking your higher self from helping another higher self. You could also keep from beginning a conversation where suddenly your questions would be answered.
Ask questions of your self. Then talk to everyone in your life and keep communication open. You might be surprised at all the wisdom going around.
If we are the only ones creating boundaries or barriers to unlimitedness, then all the power lies in our hands to go beyond those boundaries.
If it's all up to us, then how do we ask for help? Usually when we think of asking for help we are thinking of asking for help from outside of ourselves. How often do we ask our selves for help? How many questions do we pose to our very own selves during the course of a day? How many questions do we ask of others? Who do we trust more to provide the answers?
Why, when we look at a flower, do we not see the answers to our questions? Is it because we didn't ask any? A flower can answer many questions for us, but if we don't ask, the flower is merely beautiful.
There are many answers in beauty, but the main reason we don't see the answers is because we don't ask the questions. But it is not necessary to ask the question of the flower. We merely need to ask ourselves. It is we who create the flower to answer those questions.
People bring us answers all the time. It is up to us to know the question. Of course, we must ask the question of ourselves, and then just allow others to bring answers to us. If we ask the question of them, then we just get their interpretation of the answer. If we ask ourselves, then they can only answer us directly, yet subconsciously. If you get their brain stories involved, then you'll just get brain stories. People tend to answer questions most honestly when they don't have a chance to think about it, or if they do not even know if they are answering a question.
Asking a question of ourselves, we are asking our higher selves. When a person unknowingly answers our question, it is often their higher self answering our higher selves. When that happens, we can bypass the rational brain. When we bypass the rational brain we get clearer answers, free of brain distortion.
So you got a burning question? Don't ask someone else, but rather ask yourself. But don't be surprised if someone else answers you. They may have no idea they are doing so, but you'll get a pure clear answer, free of distortions.
And just think; when you're talking to a friend....just talking, you might just accidentally answer their question. It's easier than them actually asking you the question, then trying to formulate the answer from all the brain stories on file in the old noggin. When you just talk to someone because you're compelled to do so, it could very well be your higher self answering a question asked by that friend. If you hold back, afraid to express, you could be blocking your higher self from helping another higher self. You could also keep from beginning a conversation where suddenly your questions would be answered.
Ask questions of your self. Then talk to everyone in your life and keep communication open. You might be surprised at all the wisdom going around.
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather