In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Soul-Groups, Ponds, and Canned Teachings 

by White Feather

Let's play with our minds for a minute. First, we'll build a little visual model. Let's use a very common metaphor; the rock being dropped into the still pond. As everyone knows, when a rock is dropped into a still pond concentric waves flow out away from where the rock is dropped. The waves grow larger and larger until they reach the limits of the pond.

Let's see ourselves as the rock and the concentric waves flowing out across the pond as our awareness. We can call the pond our reality, or the universe.

When we first hit the water, our awareness of the pond/universe is nil. We haven't experienced it yet; it remains completely an unknown space. As the wave of our awareness flows outward in all directions, we become more and more aware of ever larger parts of the pond. The wave continues until finally we attain full awareness of the pond/universe.

Information is stored in the pond; information about everything in the pond. As our wave of awareness spreads out, it comes upon new information constantly. Because of the nature of the circular wave it appears that information is stored in concentric rings and as we hit each new concentric ring going out, we become aware of new information. New information always appears greater than old information, so it appears that the information gets better the farther out we get from the point where the rock hit the water. What actually is greater, though, is just the mass of the pond on the inside of our circular wave going out. That is what is always growing.

I believe it was the entity Sabe who gave a similar analogy about canned teachings. He said that as our awareness evolved, or expanded like the circular wave, we continued to come upon preformatted information and gestalts with each new layer outward, and our outward expanding journey through these preformatted information and gestalts was our process of evolvement. Sabe called these preformatted information packages canned teachings. It's not a glamorous name, but it shows a gestalt that we move through and learn from in order to be ready for the next canned teaching, which prepares us for the next one and the next one and so forth.

If we look at humankind's circular wave moving outward over the last hundred or so years, we can see some of the canned teachings we went through. As for metaphysical teachings, a hundred years ago we were moving through the Madame Blavatsky gestalt, or Theosophy gestalt. And then we moved through what we can call the Edgar Cayce gestalt. But it wasn't just one psychic or teacher representing the gestalt. There's always several around the world, but they're all working off the same general gestalt we're moving through.

In the Sixties and Seventies there was the Seth gestalt. Once again, it was not just Seth, but a lot of different teachers all bringing forth similar information from the layer of canned teachings humankind was going through. After Seth it was Ramtha and Philip (and others). And now we're moving through a canned teaching layer personified by teachers like Sabe and Elias and many others. Each canned teaching prepared us and laid a foundation for the next one.

Now it's important to see that just because we've reached a new layer of canned teaching, it does not mean that that is any more valid than the layers we've already traveled through. They just happen to be farther away from the point where the rock hit the water. The teachings closer to the point where the rock hit the water are only enhanced by the new knowledge and awareness we've gained in our further movement outwards. What happens when we reach a layer of canned teaching is that a gestalt is born that defines that information for us at the level of understanding we're at as we pass through it. As we move beyond it into new layers, and develop new gestalts for those new layers, what happens is that we redefine those previous gestalts.

We hit a layer of canned teaching, we define it, then to move on we must "undefine" it in order to take on a new layer. With the defining of the new layer comes a new awareness which in turn redefines the previous layer. This is how our awareness expands and how we evolve--or rather, this is an illustration of how our awareness expands.

But wait. We can look at this concentric expanding circle thing in a lot of different ways. The way I've been describing it is in regard to humankind as a whole. But we can look at it on a personal level, too. While humankind as a whole can be an outward expanding circular wave, each of us are individually as well. Parts of ourselves open up the new information we move through while other parts of us define that information and other parts act it out.

Now let's look at a soul-group as a circular wave expanding out through these layers of information. Each soul-group reacts differently to all the new layers of information. Some soul-groups have a soulgroup plan calling for certain aspects of moving through that information. Some groups take it upon themselves to be the can openers; the vanguards who open up the information. Other groups consider it their job to define that information, and other groups prefer to act out that information, completing the process of moving through and understanding that layer of information.

Say soul-group X are specialists at defining information. That's what they like to do. They are the ones who create the gestalt that explains the information to others. Others embrace the gestalt and live their lives by it. Of course not everyone understands it, but by living it, the seeds of the knowledge the gestalt represents are planted.

As some soul-groups are in the process of absorbing the information either through defining or experiencing, there is the other group, the vanguard, who is out already at the edges of a new layer of canned teachings. They're already opening the next can while the others are still working on the previous can. They're the ones at the very edge of the wave.

Here is where soulgroup X comes back in the picture. First, they have to get out of the old gestalt then they have to start taking in the new information so they can start building a new gestalt. The tricky part is getting out of the old gestalt. If they cannot get out of the old gestalt, then, not only will they be unable to start processing a new one, but they will be unable to redefine the old one. It is the job of redefining the old one that helps bring the others through it into the new one. It can be an overlooked part of the process, but it is important for forward movement.

We can also look at this expanding circular wave thing as a metaphor for our linear concept of reincarnation, viewing each new concentric ring outwards as a new and different life. With each new life we are moving through each new gestalt, thus progressing in our awareness. Certain lives are spent in the vanguard groups, some are spent in soul-group X, and others are spent just living and absorbing those gestalts in order to make the awareness complete. Belonging to a specific soul-group can give us a propensity for a certain function, such as can opener, definer, and actor, but we still must go through all the functions. We plan those lives so that the specific soul-group we're a part of can meet at certain times, or lives, to perform their specialty function together as a group. Other groups do the same. Basically, this speeds things up. Things can become exponential when people work together.

Of course, there are even more metaphors we can align with the expanding circular wave model, but that's enough for now.

Copyright © 2002, 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather

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