In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Thursday, October 21, 2004

A Cardinal's Gift 

by easywriter

One day while I was outside filling my bird feeder I began to notice the array of feathers strewn on the lawn. Chickadee, Grackle, Blue Jay and more. I collected a few of the best to keep and wondered at the fact that, even though I have many Cardinals who come to visit there was not one red feather to be seen. Not even the rusty brown ones belonging to the females. I began in some peculiar way to covet what was not there. I love Cardinals and I thought how sweet it would be to have just one feather to gaze upon when my little friends were absent. That set me to thinking about what I felt I deserved but was not receiving. Very selfish thoughts and I admonished myself over it.

The following day I repeated the excersise of filling the feeder. I heard a rustle close by and looking up spied an especially beautiful male Cardinal. They are usually very shy and don't come too near if they see people close by; but this one did not seem shy at all. He looked at me from his crab apple tree perch just above my head. We admired one another for a moment; then with one clear whistling call he flew from the branch up over the rooftop of the house. I watched him go and couldn't help but smile to myself. I had enjoyed his presence. As I turned back to my little task my eye was caught by another flash of red. There, against the emerald grass lay a single jewel, a ruby coloured feather. I still have that feather and will always keep it. It reminds me to be happy with what I have instead of being unhappy with what I don't have. A lesson from a Cardinal and a treasured gift.

Copyright © 2004, by easywriter

For those who find joy in writing....Joy Writing

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