In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Brief Glimpses Of A Forest 

by easywriter

A fox I chanced to meet. She was all laughing triangles. Elegant in black stockings and fox fur coat. Jaunty in her gait. She gave me just a glance, her pink tongue extended in a vixen's smile. She did not care that I was there.

As I stood by her side, Lady Lake tossed as though in restless fever. Crept up onto the rocky shore, brief forays from her bed and subsided again.

I watched the dust rise and whip away as the wind gathered handfuls of sand and let it run through icy fingers.

A flock of maple leaves, crisped brown and curled ride the current keeping company with a pair of loons indifferent to their passing.

A buck, unaware of human presence steps out from a stand of white pine and lowers his head to drink, a single drop of water hangs pendulous, shining from tawny muzzle; he shakes his head, turns and vanishes back into the trees.

A raccoon hurrying by stops to stare, a look of comic puzzlement in his clever eyes.

A red squirrel climbs high, perches on a Maple branch, shapes his tail into a question mark of disbelief and announces my intrusion.

A Blue Jay confirms the sighting with a raucous call and flies to spread the news.

A band of chickadees provide a merry escort as I make my way back home.

Copyright © 2005 by easywriter.

That day was a most astonishing one. I felt at home yet felt as though I were intruding. It was a fun to see if I could capture an impression of all that I encountered in my forest walk.

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