In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Monday, June 07, 2004

Rafting Down the River of Time 

by White Feather

Being in the NOW we are in a constant state of motion. Stagnation is impossible. With each breath we move from one moment of NOW into a new moment of NOW. The movement never stops. Linear perspectives of time are our attempt to stop that movement long enough to categorize our NOWs into a framework for our understanding. It's all part of our journey through the hologram.

The NOW is a constant flow. If we are rafting down the river of linear time our thoughts and focus can be on any part of the river but our actual physical experience of rafting down that river takes places in only one specific spot; in that raft. That's where the NOW is.

We can dream of the joy we'll experience farther down the river and we can wax nostalgic about the joy we experienced back up the river, but the only place we can actually experience that joy is in the NOW.

From a universal standpoint that whole long journey down the river took about 3 seconds. That's all. That's how close to simultaneous it all is. It took about 3 seconds of universal time to fill up every single moment of NOW on that long trip down the river with our essence so that we could experience the trip down the river. Though each of our NOWs are filled with essence at roughly the same time, we journey through those NOWs in a linear fashion in order to understand the story of the whole trip down the river.

It can be said that we lived many lives along the course of that river but we can also say that we are a unique and different individual with each and every one of those NOWs we experience along the way. We are constantly changing when we're in the NOW. Constantly. Every single NOW is different. When we are in the flow of the NOW and are fully embracing each new and different NOW then we can resonate to that essence which is the bigger "us" which filled with life all those moments of NOW along the river in the first place. And in so connecting we are also connecting to all the different parts of us that embraced all the different NOWs along the river. Through connecting and embracing the NOW we are able to begin to see the ONE-ness of it all. It is from this perspective of ONE-ness that we can see the simultaneous nature of universal time and how it corresponds to our linear perspective. From this perspective we can see how imperative it was that we use linear time to move our understanding back to a point of being able to imagine simultaneous time. It was an evolutionary tool and as with any tool when the function of the tool becomes obsolete then so does the tool.

Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather

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