In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Other Side of Fear 

by White Feather

There has always been fear in the lives of humans in their current condition. It was caused by the big separation. And there will always be fear to some degree until that separation is mended.

So if fear is going to be there, can it be used constructively? How does fear help us evolve?

To understand this dimension, fear must be experienced and understood. We cannot go beyond fear except by going through it. We cannot go around it. All fears lead us eventually back to our selves. It is us on the other side of that fear. If we try to go around the fear on the right, then that part of our selves on the other side of fear moves around to the left. The only way is to walk directly through the fear.

When we walk through that fear we realize that we are walking through love as well. Within all fear there is love, and we can't know and experience that love without walking through it also. When our fears come up, it is a grand opportunity to walk through it, reclaiming the love that is there, which is hidden by the fear. The duality of love and fear is part of life. We miss a lot of love by not walking through our fears. When we don't walk through our fears, we just go in circles and the fear doesn't go away, and the love stays out of our reach as well.

Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather

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