In March of 2004 a group of metaphysically-minded writers got together and formed the Asamee Writers Group. For over two years the writers pooled their creations into the Asamee Blog. The group disbanded in the summer of 2006. This is a complete archiving of all the writings. A complete index is in the left column.
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Daily Columns

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Soul Waves 

by White Feather

Every year, Harley bikers from all over meet in Sturgis, South Dakota to convene their annual whoopjamborie. Graduated high school classes have reunions every five or ten years. Soldiers who fought together will reunite in their old age to reminisce and share what has happened since the war. Families everywhere have reunions. Large groups of people with common interest have this instinct to come together in reunions, and these reunions often become markers of time for that group. It is no different for the Asamee soul-group.

The last big whoopjamborie that the Asamee had was in the 1950's. Family reunions have age groups; there are the old folks, the middle-aged folks, the young adults, the teenagers, and the smaller kids. Soul groups are the same way. They form groups that reincarnate together so that they are in the same group together in the physical plane. The soul-group can carry on its work more smoothly if they reincarnate in these groups, so that the work can be passed down through the physical generations. It wouldn't make much sense for the soul-group to all incarnate at the same time and die all around the same time. It needs to be staggered. It works for families, so soul-groups use it, too. So soul-group subgroups incarnate in waves that are designed to fit into a pattern with the other soul-group subgroups.

The 1950's Asamee whoopjamborie brought together the entire soul-group in spirit. In the first half of the 1900's a subgroup of Asamee had progressed significantly in creating a framework for subsequent subgroups to carry on the Asamee work. This subgroup came in from 1875 to the 1890's, and they began dying in the 1940's and 1950's. The next oldest subgroup was in their forties in the 1950's. The dying subgroup turned everything over to the new subgroup in the 1950's. The new subgroup's duty was primarily to keep things going until the dying subgroup could be born again and mature enough to take on the work again. So to make the timing work right, a lot of Asamee needed to die in the late forties or early fifties so that they could be born again in the late Fifties/early Sixties, so that they would be in or near their forties around the turn of the millenium. There was another subgroup that were teenagers in the Fifties. Some of this group were the ones who gave birth to the new group being born in the late Fifties. The subgroup that took over things in the Fifties were planning to come back in a big wave in the 1980's, so most of them did their dying in the Seventies and early Eighties.

In their spiritual states, the Asamee knew about the upcoming shift in time virals and the accompanying shift in consciousness. They all wanted to be there for the great event, but they had to time their birth so that they could be a certain age or maturity level for the event. When the shift happens, there will be four main age subgroups; one around sixty and older (the ones that were teenagers in the Fifties, one in their forties to early fifties (the ones who were born in the late Fifties/early Sixties), one in their twenties (those born near the Harmonic Convergence), and one group of small children (who have been coming in in recent years).

Through the centuries, this chain of birthing has accomplished its goal of keeping a vibration going. It has allowed for a very slow and steady evolvement. This changed in the 1950's, though, and that is what the Fifties whoopjamborie was all about.

In their get-together, souls were reminded that a quickening of vibration would begin in the 1950's and accelerate from there right into the new time viral of the next century. Souls were reminded that the rate of evolvement would increase significantly and exponentially. This means that more issues would be dealt with in a lifetime than usual.

Picture this: You and your group are at an amusement park. Someone blows a whistle or something, and you all gather together for a little meeting. Someone reminds everyone that there is only so much time left before everyone left that amusement park for the next amusement park. It had been agreed upon by everyone that they would ride every ride in the park and then move on to the next park. Everyone is reminded of this at the little meeting so that they can search out those rides they had not ridden yet. Once everyone had ridden all the rides, then everyone would meet one more time for another little whoopjamborie before rushing into the gates of the next amusement park--which, rumor has it, has some really cool rides. Perhaps this helps to illustrate the nature of the 1950's Asamee whoopjamborie.

The 1950's Asamee whoopjamborie was held in spirit. Everyone attended, whether they were in the body of a one-year old baby, a 60 year old, or not even in a body. The Asamee have been holding whoopjambories for a long, long time, but this 1950's one was special, being the last one before we all changed amusement parks. It was also the last whoopjamborie to be held in spirit. The next one (around 2012), will be held in the flesh! By then, the spirit and the physical will be reunited in one dimension, and the whoopjamborie will be unlike any other. Twelve and a half thousand years of whoopjambories were all in preparation for this next one. It is what we are all looking forward to.

Copyright © 2000-2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather

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