Monday, March 29, 2004
Touching Our Grandness
by White Feather
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
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There can never be a spirit that does not eventually walk through the hologram. We created the hologram for our own purposes. Once set about, our intentions must be carried out and we have been doing so for many millenia.
There is much to learn from any planet, but earth is the crown jewel of the universe. It's the one place everyone just has to experience.
We have created the ultimate paradise. We have only to realize it. We have yet to see the omnipresent joy permeating everything. We have not yet felt the beauty inherant in everything. We have not yet loved our creation.
We have not yet touched our grandness, though we are starting to get a taste. We have not yet surrendered our illusions and we have not yet looked our divinity in the eye.
Our power to create is so incredibly limitless. It's as easy as drawing a picture. It's as easy as feeling. It's as easy as allowing.
It's so easy yet we spend lifetimes learning. We search everywhere for the answers. We go from teacher to teacher and we read a million books. All the answers are within, though.
We pretend that we don't know that we are gods. It's a fun game that allows us to go through the adventure of remembering that we are gods. It allows us to see what things are like from a perspective of limitedness. If you are an unlimited god who wants to experience limitedness you're going to have to forget that you're unlimited. And then you're going to have to create a whole bunch of limitations and then you're going to have to go through all those limitations.
When you're unlimited you can't see what it's like to be limited. And while you're limited you can't see what it's like to be unlimited. As gods, we are approaching a point where we will have experienced both, and we will take that combination of experience and create out of it a new dynamic to play in.
There is much to learn from any planet, but earth is the crown jewel of the universe. It's the one place everyone just has to experience.
We have created the ultimate paradise. We have only to realize it. We have yet to see the omnipresent joy permeating everything. We have not yet felt the beauty inherant in everything. We have not yet loved our creation.
We have not yet touched our grandness, though we are starting to get a taste. We have not yet surrendered our illusions and we have not yet looked our divinity in the eye.
Our power to create is so incredibly limitless. It's as easy as drawing a picture. It's as easy as feeling. It's as easy as allowing.
It's so easy yet we spend lifetimes learning. We search everywhere for the answers. We go from teacher to teacher and we read a million books. All the answers are within, though.
We pretend that we don't know that we are gods. It's a fun game that allows us to go through the adventure of remembering that we are gods. It allows us to see what things are like from a perspective of limitedness. If you are an unlimited god who wants to experience limitedness you're going to have to forget that you're unlimited. And then you're going to have to create a whole bunch of limitations and then you're going to have to go through all those limitations.
When you're unlimited you can't see what it's like to be limited. And while you're limited you can't see what it's like to be unlimited. As gods, we are approaching a point where we will have experienced both, and we will take that combination of experience and create out of it a new dynamic to play in.
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books by White Feather
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Chronological Article Archive
For current month see our homepage
Chronological Article Archive
October, 2004
The Movie Theater, by White Feather
Brief Glimpses Of A Forest, by easywriter
Haunted House, by Thundering Wind
One Winged Seed, by Trendle Ellwood
Asamee, by Thundering Wind
The Cardinal's Gift, by easywriter
The Little Miracle, by James Bassett
Mack and the Children, by easywriter
I Am Not Alone, by easywriter
Seventh Gate, by Thundering Wind
Nightmares Walking, by Thundering Wind
Peter & Gabriel's Message, October 13, 2004
Fire on the Mountain, by Joseph Babinsky
Ramble #15, by White Feather
Just a Picture, by Trendle Ellwood
Words Will Flow, by Joseph Babinsky
September, 2004
Are We Singing? by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel's Message, September 29, 2004
Bean Supper at Clear Creek, by Trendle Ellwood
What Level of Consciousness, by Joseph Babinsky
Dig Deeper, by Joseph Babinsky
The Well, by Thundering Wind
September is so Beautiful, by Trendle Ellwood
Venus and Moon~7, by Joseph Babinsky
Journey to Tele, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel's Message, September 15, 2004
As the Storm Rides, by Trendle Ellwood
The Sacred and the Profane, by Joseph Babinsky
The Great Chicken Robbery, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel's Message, September 8, 2004
Thundering Wind Journal~I See His Face. by Thundering Wind
Those Who Make You Wonder, by Trendle Ellwood
A Memoir, by Yen Dang
The Full Moon, by Joseph Babinsky
Happiness in Marriage, by White Feather
Peter and Gabriel's Message, September 1, 2004
August, 2004
She, by Thundering Wind
The Beckoning, by Trendle Ellwood
Unraveling the Paradigm, by Patricia C. Myers
Venus and Moon~6, by Joseph Babinsky
Perspectives on Forgiveness, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, August 25, 2004
A Whole New World, by Trendle Ellwood
The Search for Authentic Self, by Patricia C. Myers
Splash of Color, by Joseph Babinsky
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, August 18, 2004
Winsome Song, by Thundering Wind
Autumn on the Way, by Trendle Ellwood
'Napolean', by Patricia C. Myers
Forgotten Selves, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, August 11, 2004
Hidden Treasure, by Thundering Wind
Angels Come By, by Trendle Ellwood
Letters to a Friend - 9, by Joseph Babinsky
Judging Ourselves, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, August 4, 2004
Making a Difference, by Lightdance
Dimensions~6, by Thundering Wind
Mystery In Motion, by Trendle Ellwood
July, 2004
Hitch Hiker, by Patricia C. Myers
Letters to a Friend - 8, by Joseph Babinsky
Living Orgasmically, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, July 28, 2004
No Passport Needed, by Trendle Ellwood
Relation~Shifts, by Patricia C. Myers
Entering Leo, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, July 21, 2004
Flower-Speak 101 - Buying In To Guilt, by Lightdance
Hair in Brambles, by Trendle Ellwood
Lucy Love, by Patricia C. Myers
Letters to a Friend - 7, by Joseph Babinsky
The Joys of Death, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, July 14, 2004
Dimensions~Part 4, by Thundering Wind
Nasturtiums Bring Happiness, by Trendle Ellwood
Inspire ~ Light the Fire
Letters to a Friend - 6, by Joseph Babinsky
57 Chevy, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, July 7, 2004
Mouse in the House, by Lightdance
Valley of Heat, by Trendle Ellwood
Duality Reflections ~ The Inner Voice, by Patricia C. Myers
Letters to a Friend – 5, by Joseph Babinsky
Crazy Horse, St. Bernadette, and Edgar Cayce, by White Feather
June, 2004
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, June 30, 2004, Part 2 of 2
Alley Cat, by Lightdance
Dimensions~Part 2, by Thundering Wind
Berries and Market Meetings, by Trendle Ellwood
Garden of Love, by Patricia C. Myers
Letters to a Friend - 4, by Joseph Babinsky
Homosexuality on Turtle Island, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, June 23, 2004, Part 1 of 2
The Other Side of Fear, by White Feather
The Lull Turned Lush, by Trendle Ellwood
Loose Threads, by Patricia C. Myers
Letters to a Friend - 3, by Joseph Babinsky
The See-Saw, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, June 16, 2004
Flower-Speak 101; The Fight, by Lightdance
Thunder Lessons~One, by Thundering Wind
Market Storm, by Trendle Ellwood
Ominous Or Omnipotent, by Patricia C. Myers
Dawn of Joy, by Joseph Babinsky
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, June 9, 2004
Rafting Down the River of Time, by White Feather
While Venus Sings, by Trendle Ellwood
Venus ~ Bringer of Light, by Patricia C. Myers
Through a Dark Wall, by Joseph Babinsky
The Tale of the Two Track Stars, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, June 2, 2004
31 Flavors, by White Feather
May, 2004
Memorial Pilgrimage, by Thundering Wind
Beside Victoria, by Trendle Ellwood
Take Cover! by Patricia C. Myers
UFO Talk Five - Contact, by Joseph Babinsky
Gray Hair, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, May 26, 2004
Tidbits, by Lightdance
Country Pilgrimage, by Thundering Wind
Of Bee~ing, by Trendle Ellwood
Healing Mother Earth, by Patricia C. Myers
Be Who You Are - The Choice is Yours, by Joseph Babinsky
Soul Waves, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, May 19, 2004
Snapshot of Spring, by Lightdance
Dawn Approaches, by Thundering Wind
Exploring May, by Trendle Ellwood
Dove of Love, by Patricia C. Myers
Gentle River Flow, by Joseph Babinsky
A Little Spider Story, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, May 12, 2004, by Mountain Wolf VT
Flower-Speak 101; "Emergence", by Lightdance
Flower-Speak 101; "The Big Five", by Lightdance
Oklahoma Feeling, by Thundering Wind
Muted Sun, by Thundering Wind
May Apples in May, by Trendle Ellwood
Wizard of Words, by Patricia C. Myers
God Talk Seven, by Joseph Babinsky
Embracing the River, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel’s Message, May 5, 2004
Flower-Speak 101; Discovering Eden, by Lightdance
Scraps of Love, by Thundering Wind
Prairie Day, by Thundering Wind
April, 2004
God Talk Four, by Joseph Babinsky
Soul-Groups, Ponds, and Canned Teachings, by White Feather
Absolution Journey, by Thundering Wind
Sprouting, by Trendle Ellwood
Love Truth, by Joseph Babinsky
Flower-Speak 101; Serendipity, by Lightdance
Buying Hotdogs From Jesus, by White Feather
Peter & Gabriel's message posted Apr. 21, 2004
Dandelion Aide in April, by Trendle Ellwood
Bees and Honey, by White Feather
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October, 2004
September, 2004
August, 2004
July, 2004
June, 2004
May, 2004
April, 2004